Blue Jays eat berries, seeds, beechnuts and acorns during the winter. Often they'll feed on animals such as mice, caterpillars, grasshoppers and larger insects and they'll also feed on baby birds as well as Birds' Eggs.
If you mean a player with the Baseball Toronto Blue Jays, they eat like everyone else, if you mean the bird, they eat with their beaks. What a stupid question.
most invertebrates
The UK jays(the British garden birds) eat acorns, peanuts, insects, seeds, and nestlings of other birds.
Seeds, bugs. Blue Jays are softbills and they mainly eat insects and fruit. They will also sometimes eat sunflower seeds or peanuts.
no they do not
Blue jays
many birds eat many thing but as you should know but for the one that don't blue jays eat beetles. some eat other birds to.
No. Jackrabbits are herbivores.
One of Blue Jays adaptations are they have wings to fly in the sky. Another adaptation, is blur jays are blue, so they can camouflages in the sky so the animals that eat them, won't see the the blue jay.
Not normally. Blue jays eat most anything, but millet is too small for them to digest easily. They will however, take sunflower seed from bird feeders.
Blue jays, like their relatives the raven and crow, will eat many organic items. From worms and insects, to berries, fruit, the eggs of other birds.