No. Most airsoft guns that run off of CO2 use unthreaded, disposable 12 gram cartridges.
some of them are but most aren't, what kind of gun are you looking at?
Only some need c02 cartridges in them, but most don't need air, no.
No, only with a few Marui selected models, or with airsoft guns that have a threaded barrel of the same size.
CO2 cartridges are used for tasks such as refilling flat tires and to carbonate soft drinks such as Soda. CO2 Cartridges are also used to power certain Airsoft and paintball guns.
purchase a threaded connector, for the PVC pipe, then purchase a metal threaded adaptor for soft pipe, see your hardware man,
Air soft guns are popular over the nation. Do not use one if you are not at least 15 :).
Air Soft guns. Yes
the gas powered air soft guns use CO2 or green gas
stingers are Airsoft guns
Rimfire cartridges are comprised of a soft lead bullet, a case most often made of brass, and the smokeless propellant (powder).