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Sheer numbers would favor Mexico with a population advantage of more then 27 to 1.

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Q: Do Mexicans play more baseball Puerto Ricans?
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What nationality has more gay people Dominicans or Puerto Ricans?

There are more gay Dominicans than Puerto Ricans, simply because there are more total Dominicans than Puerto Ricans.

Are there more puerto ricans or dominicans in new york?

There are way more Dominicans in New York than Puerto Ricans

Are Puerto Ricans Americans?

Yes because the US owns Puerto Rico. But Puerto Ricans would refer to themselves as Puerto Ricans more than American, just like English would consider them more English than British.

Are Puerto Ricans considered American?

Yes because the US owns Puerto Rico. But Puerto Ricans would refer to themselves as Puerto Ricans more than American, just like English would consider them more English than British.

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More than one million Puerto Ricans have migrated to?

new york

How many Puerto Rico's fit in the us?

There are about 3,000,000 resident of the contiguous US that are self identified as being Puerto Ricans.

If Puerto Rico did not have the observatory would puerto ricans need passports?

No, having the observatory has NOTHING to do with the necessity for a U.S. passport. I´ll explain to you the little history that I know about Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico was adquired by the U.S. in 1898 after they had won the Spanish-American War in 1898. Later, in the ´50´s (in 1952 I believe), Puerto Rico´s political status was elevated to a "commonwealth/estado libre asociado." Since then, Puerto Ricans have been American citizens just like anyone else born in the continental US. However, Puerto Rico is NOT a state and Puerto Ricans pride themselves in being Puerto Ricans/Boricuas more often than simply Americans. Thus, a passport is not needed for traveling between the US and Puerto Rico.

How did puerto ricans acquire us citizenship?

Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the United States since a law was passed in 1917. Puerto Rico remained a Spanish colony for more than four centuries until the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish-American war in 1898 and occupied the island.

Do puerto ricans look more black?

Most of them look black mixed

How many people do Puerto ricans and Mexicans have in there house usually give me a good number?

about 6 no they don't i hear dthey have way more than that like i whitegirl i know live in Maryland shes white peurto rican and has like her whole entier family livving with her lets get real

Why do majority of Puerto Ricans decide to move to NY state first from the island of Puerto Rico-I am PR myself?

Because there are more project buildings in NYC than anywhere else