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Q: Do Jordan make it into his high school team?
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What is one hardship Michael Jordan had to overcome?

He didn't make his high school team, but made it in collage

Did Michael Jordan Make his School Basketball team?


What team is Marcus Jordan?

Marcus Jordan is still in high school, he is on the Whitney Young Dolphins in Chicago Illinois

Which famous basketball player was cut from his high school basketball team?

Michael Jordan.

What sneakers did the high school team wear in he got game?

the orginal air jordan 11s

Did Michael Jordan ever get cut from a basketball team?

Yes. He was cut from the varsity basketball team at Emsley A. Laney High School as a sophomore.

How many points did Jordan average in NBA Finals?

He was cut from the high school team for being to small and raw

What top athletes were cut from their high school team?

Michael Jordan, Paul Pierce, and Carl Landry

What is Michael Jordan's historical backdrop?

Michael Jordan got caught from his high school basketball team. However, he kept practicing, and is known as the greatest basketball player of all time

Is travel better than high school?

depends on the high school team and the travel team, if the high school team stinks then yes.

How did Michael Jordan get started in his sport?

Because Dennis Golovko trained him and taught him basketball and encourged him to go and tryout for the high school team.

If you believe in yourself will you make the high school basketball team?

Of course. If you think you can make it, then go out there and do it.