Real Madrid have money and they splash it out o good footballers, and it is a desire for footballers to wear the famous white shirt of Real Madrid.
It is mainly because of selling players and Jerseys as well as many top players are there.
of course he was.real Madrid are the best team in the world, ok we have spent alot of money but it was the right decision.attracting the best players is obviously going to require big ammounts of money.
No They don't steal money
Steal enough money from enemies in each level to unlock multiplayer for that specific level
You cant steal money on dizzywood!!!
No loser (: Apple doesn't steal you'r money !
The future tense of "steal" is "will steal." For example, "He will steal the money."
read you book;;Huck didn't wanted the king and the Duke to steal the money from kind girls. So he did steal the money.
Did you ever steal money from us Americans
Selena Quintanilla-Perez did not steal any money.
You cannot steal other penguin's money. Everyone has their own money.