There is the NBA and there is a league with players not quite at the NBA level. The NBA is the major league with the professional basketball players. There are also college leagues, and elementary schools even have leagues.
Basketball and baseball
Yes, there are two different leagues the American League and the National League. There are some differences in the play between the two leagues and each league has its own governance.
It actually had two names because it is a fusion of two different leagues. One which was the baa (basketball association of america) and the nbl (national basketball league).
Youth basketball leagues are often run by your local park service or community college. Contact them to ask about the schedules and sign up requirements.
Yes, there are basketball leagues for women outside of the United States.
the ABA for American Basketball Association
Yes, Raleigh does in fact do have a youth basketball league available. Not every community have sports leagues but there are several other communities, including Bellevue and Albuquerque.
Basketball brackets are used in basketball tournaments to determine the winnners and other placements of the teams. There are several different types of brackets used in basketball tournaments.
I would recommend checking out the fantasy basketball leagues at Phenoms Fantasy Sports. They offer bigger payouts and really great customer service. Also, you can play in Roto leagues or head to head leagues there. Check out the link below for their basketball leagues.