Easton Stealth primarily produces baseball and hockey gear. Their products range from baseball bats, gloves, and even hockey sticks. For more information or browsing, check out the official Easton Stealth website.
Easton Stealth Coach Pitch Model # BCNCP1. Hands down !
I'm not sure if you can find a cheap Easton Stealth anywhere but I would suggest looking at baseballsavings.com
SCN7B is a -9 drop SCN6B is a -10 drop
stealth is not a bbcor and the omen is
Easton Stealth S17 or Easton Synergy Elite Easton Stealth S17 or Easton Synergy Elite Easton Stealth S17 or Easton Synergy Elite
easton stealth. nike bats suck. and the stealth has pretty decent pop.
No where but eBay because the stealth is pricey
i recommend using a stealth made by Easton it works great
I would pick a easton sv12 because it has more pop
they didn't...