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The Bears were never the Cardinals they were the Decatur Staleys, later named Chicago Bears. The Chicago Cardinals were another Chicago owned team that moved around after the 50's and now reside in Arizona.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. The Chicago Cardinals was an entirely different team that eventually moved to St. Louis and then Arizona.

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Q: Did the bears use to be named the Chicago cardnals?
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What font do the Chicago Bears use in their logo?

The logo for the Chicago Bears is written in the font OL London Black. The link to the font is:

What NFL Teams were Chicago Teams?

The Decatur Staleys moved to Chicago after the first season. The were called the Chicago Staleys the followong year. The Changes their name to the Bears before the third year of the league. They were named the Bears by Founder George Halas, since they signed a lease to play their games at Wrigley Field, home of the Cubs. Halas figured that since it was the home of the Cubs and football players were bigger, he would use the name Bears. The Arizona Cardinals are the other team that came from Chicago. They moved to St. Louis in the late 50's/early 60's. The Bears and the Cardinals are the only franchises still in the league that began play when the league was formed and have stayed in the league since it's inception.

What NFL team has both resided in the same city and borne the same nickname for the longest period of time?

The Chicago Bears have resided in the same city and borne the same nickname for the longest period of time in the NFL. The team was established in 1920 as the Decatur Staleys and moved to Chicago the following year, where they became the Bears. They have been known as the Chicago Bears for over a century, making it the longest continuous use of both city and nickname in the league.

When did the decatur staleys switch to the Chicago Bears?

The Decatur Staleys suffered huge financial losses in the 1920 season, the first season of the NFL then known as the American Professional Football Association. Augustus Staley turned control of the team over to George Halas in 1921 who moved the team to Chicago. They kept the name Staleys for the 1921 season due to Augustus Staley paying $5000 to Halas. In 1922, the name was changed to Bears by Halas. The story goes that Halas, in honor of having been allowed to use Wrigley Field (home of the Chicago Cubs) as the home field of the team, renamed the team Bears because "football players are bigger than baseball players".

Did the 1985 Chicago Bears ever use the two point conversion?

No. The two-point conversion play was disallowed when the AFL merged into the NFL and was not resurrected until 1994.

What do bears use carbs for?

Bears use carbs for the same reason you do -- for energy.

How many brown bears there use to be?

5 million bears

How do bears use their ears?


What are some ways humans use bears?

people use bears 4 their fur. sometimes they have eaten bear meat.

What do bears use when they eat?

They use their teeth, of course.

Why are bears getting endangered so much?

People hunt bears and use their fur.

How do bears use their weapons?

well bears dont have weapons they have claws and they use them by swinging them in a downward motion to hit the thign they are attacking