Tedy Bruschi is not eligible for nomination to the Pro Football Hall of Fame until 5 years after his retirement. He will be eligible for nomination in 2014.
Tedy Bruschi's birth name is Tedy Lacap Bruschi.
Tedy Bruschi is 44 years old (birthdate: June 9, 1973).
Tedy Bruschi was born on June 9, 1973.
Tedy Bruschi was born on June 9, 1973.
Tedy Bruschi on the Patriots
Tedy Bruschi goes by Bru, and Ice Cold.
Tedy Bruschi had a stroke which left him unable to play for 2 years.
New England Patriots Linebacker Tedy Bruschi wears #54.
yes Tedy Bruschi lives in MA but the city is not found