No, Herschel played his college ball at the University of Georgia.
Herschel Walker retired in 1997.
Yes, Herschel Walker did play for the Georgia Bulldogs. He won the Heisman Trophy and the Maxwell Award in 1982.
Bill Bates.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962
how many children does herschel walker have
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962.
Herschel Walker was born on March 3, 1962
Yes, Herschel Walker was in the 1992 Winter Olympics.
Click on the 'Herschel Walker's NFL Stats' link on this page to see a yearly breakdown of stats for Herschel Walker.
who are the parents of herschel Walker and doesn't he have a brother named Lorenzo? who are the parents of herschel Walker and doesn't he have a brother named Lorenzo?
Herschel Walker's first season in the NFL was 1986 with the Dallas Cowboys.