Bert Campaneris.
Willie Mays Bobble HeadsThe 1961- 1963 White base, baseball series Bobbing Head doll was the first comprehensive series of major league baseball bobbing heads. They originally sold for $1.00 each! It included examples from 20 different franchises with several significant variations. The series included nine dolls featuring mascot heads. Also lumped into this series are four dolls of actual players. Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Willie Mays and Roberto Clemente. facsimile autograph decal on base. Comes with square or round white base (round base has a different body type). It was originally issued in a picture box.The two variations of the Willie Mays Dolls from the 1961 -1963 series, sell between $450. - $550. A third variation with a gold base as high as $1,500. This Gold base doll should not be confused with the gold base series that was issued during the years 1966 through 1971.The first baseball team to offer a bobble head giveaway was the San Francisco Giants, which distributed 35,000 Willie Mays head nodders at a 1999 game. They were made by Alexander Global Promotions Inc. and currently sell for about $200.The Willie Mays Bobble head issued in 1992 by Sports Accessories Memorabilia (S.A.M.) sells for about $65. I will include links for pictures, and more information.
There are basically nine types, or subspecies, of maize:Flour corn - Zea mays var. amylaceaPopcorn - Zea mays var. evertaDent corn - Zea mays var. indentataFlint corn - Zea mays var. indurataSweet corn - Zea mays var. saccharataand Zea mays var. rugosaWaxy corn - Zea mays var. ceratinaAmylomaize - Zea maysPod corn - Zea mays var. tunicata Larrañaga ex A. St. Hil.Striped maize - Zea mays var. japonica
1961- 1963 White base Willie Mays Bobble HeadThe 1961- 1963 White base, Baseball series Bobbing Head doll was the first comprehensive series of Major League Baseball bobbing heads. They originally sold for $1.00 each! It included examples from 20 different franchises with several significant variations. The series included nine dolls featuring mascot heads. Also lumped into this series are four dolls of actual players. Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Willie Mays and Roberto Clemente. facsimile autograph decal on base. Comes with square or round white base (round base has a different body type). It was originally issued in a picture box. The two variations of the Willie Mays Dolls sell between $450. - $550. A third variation with a gold base as high as $1,500. Add $75. - $100. with the original box.
Outside of the 5 players who were already mentioned because they did it in one game, I can only think of one:Jose Oquendo of the Cardinals.
The 1961- 1963 White base, baseball series Bobbing Head doll was the first comprehensive series of major league baseball bobbing heads. They originally sold for $1.00 each! It included examples from 20 different franchises with several significant variations. The series included nine dolls featuring mascot heads. Also lumped into this series are four dolls of actual players. Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Willie Mays and Roberto Clemente. facsimile autograph decal on base. Comes with square or round white base (round base has a different body type). It was originally issued in a picture box. The two variations of the Willie Mays Dolls sell between $450. - $550. A third variation with a gold base as high as $1,500. Add $75. - $100. with the original box. The Gold base series of Bobbing Heads was the last one issued in the 60's. They were sold from 1966 through 1971. This series saw the movement of several franchises and the addition of some expansion teams. There are 27 team dolls and an additional player doll- Willie Mays with number 24 decal on back. The first baseball team to offer a bobble head giveaway was the San Francisco Giants, which distributed 35,000 Willie Mays head nodders at a 1999 game. They were made by Alexander Global Promotions Inc. and currently sell for about $200. For more information on Bobble head dolls visit the linkI left below.
The positions are:PitcherCatcher1st BaseSecond BaseShortstop3rd BaseLeft FieldCenter FieldRight FieldSo there are nine positions.
The last person to accomplish this was in the year 2008, as a Florida State player played every position in a single game.
Steve Lyons got the nickname Psycho because he was one of three players to have played nine positions in one game. He also took his pants off after reaching first base during a game.
There are nine field positions in the game of baseball: 1) Pitcher2) Catcher3) First Baseman4) Second Baseman5) Third Baseman6) Shortstop7) Left Fielder8) Center Fielder9) Right Fielder Click on the 'Positions of Baseball' link on this page to see a diagram of where the positions mentioned above are located on a baseball field.There are 9 positions on a baseball team.
There is a total of nine innings in a game of baseball. However, if the game is tied at the end of nine innings, then the game can go into extra innings.