Isaac Newton started growing prematurely white hair when he was young. He started growing strands of white hair at young age.
wayne newton
blonde, then became dirty blonde or very light brown
No, but if you did married a person with blonde hair.. or in their family someone has blonde hair then you might have blonde hair... but strait Indian i think not... Save
Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
you can get the blonde intruging hair or the alva hair( the blonde secretary hair is called alva hair) in the vintage shop. the vintage shop is in uptown.
Africans can't have blonde hair unless they dye it blonde.
Lisa has the black hair; and Jessica has the blonde hair.
Grace Wexler has blonde hair.
Well, it depends on what color the blonde hair it is. There are many shades of hair colors that are blonde like bleach or carmel blonde hair. But, there could be yellow hair that is considered blonde.
"The young girl had blonde hair and such beautiful, enchanting, brown eyes!"
all it means is that you have freckles and blonde hair. a lot of people have freckles with blonde hair. :)