Wayne Rooney does not have any sister but he has two brothers called John Rooney and Graeme Rooney,
John Rooney currently plays for New York Red Bulls in the MLS (America) (USA).
Keith, Brent, Glen
Wayne Douglas Gretzky.
Wayne Gretzky's birth name is Wayne Douglas Gretzky.
Wayne and Brent Gretzky combined to score 895 goals - 894 of which belong to Wayne. Brent's lone goal is one of four points he totaled in his 13 career NHL games.
Wayne Douglas Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky was never drafted
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky with 2857 pts:-)
Wayne Gretzky was born on January 26, 1961.
Wayne Gretzky Hockey was created in 1988.
Wayne Gretzky Drive was created in 1969.