You can't make your character smoke while playing, but Snake pulls out his cigar during some cutscenes. Otherwise, you can always ACTUALLY smoke while playing, but that's hazardous to your health.
yes i belive he also once got arrested for doing cocaine on the field while playing
its a bit hard not to smoke while smoking
oh yes he does smoke. i have seen it with my own two eyes. the fella smokes. yes. he does smoke. i went to one of his concerts at a casino and after the concert he was in the casino and so were me and my friends. he was smoking while playing poker.
The question is not can you smoke marijuana while having poison sumac, but WHY are you asking if you can smoke marijuana while having poison sumac? That is the question.
She used to smoke, but she stopped a while ago.
Nobody knows what causes women to smoke marijuana while they are pregnant.
Because the smoke detector uses power while trying to detect smoke.
blow smoke in your face spit smoke while eating throw butts on the floor