Mexico, Spain, Europe.
Brazil,Mexico,Argentina,and Spain
Soccer is commonly played in Europe and South America. Some countries are Mexico, Honduras, Spain, Brazil, Spain, and Italy.
Its religion and architecture.
soccer brings countries together like brazil, mexico, spain, and other major "football" hotspots
Brazil,Spain,Mexico, Uruguay,
Mexican-Amarican war, U.S.history, Mexico
USA - Soccer South Africa - Soccer / Ibhola / Bolo / Sokker Australia - Soccer Canada - Soccer (these are the only countries that call it soccer) Portugal - Futebol Italy - Calcio Germany - Fußbol Mexico/Spain - Futbol
I don't really know, but would imagine it has something to do with cultural differences between Mexico and Spain. When I visited Nicaragua, the games there were also very face-paced and very intense. I've never been to either Spain or Mexico, but Spain has a famously easy-going society.
Brazil Spain Germany England France Mexico Italy
The stated purpose for settlement by Spain was to bring Christianity and salvation to the Native Americans.