No, he did not play for them but he was there manager for 39 days.
Paul Anthony Olive was born on December 29, 1970, in Kettering, Ohio, USA.
Paul Gascoigne was born in Newcastle and managed kettering fc for over ten years
Newcastle 85-88 Tottenham hotspur 88-92 Lazio 92-95 Rangers 95-98 Mieddlesboro 98-00 burnley 2002 Gansu Tianma 2003 Boston United 2004
The population of Kettering is 51,063.
The address of the Kettering-Moraine Branch Library is: 3496 Far Hills Ave., Kettering, 45429 4518
Kettering Foundation was created in 1927.
Kettering College was created in 1967.
Kettering F.C. was created in 2012.
he was 81 when Charles Kettering died
Charles Kettering had 104 patents.
Kettering Medical Center is a faith based, non profit hospital which is located in Kettering in Ohio in United States. The hospital was founded in 1964.
No, Sloan Kettering is not a NYSNA hospital.