If you fail school you will have to go to summer school to make up your grade, and if you don't you will get held back.
you will fail the grade that you are in
No, you will probably just have to retake that class.
In my school you got A-E's in it but in 7th grade, at my school, you could do sports and if you didn't do well in gym (below C average) you could not do school sports. I believe you can fail the grade and not get your report card if you fail gym. It depends on your school.
No because labron James would never go on wikianswers he would just train for basketball games
it depends on what school your in but in my school if you fail 1 grade for the whole school year your fine. fail 2 classes for the school year summer school 3 then you repeat so you should be fine and also D's are passing in my school
The best way is to do absolutely nothing.
It depends on your school...you might have to go to summer school or do extra credit or something.
Lavoisier was fortunate enough to have lived before the advent of grade school.
Greyson did not fail a grade he started school and year late because of when his birthday was.
It depends on which school you go to but two F's to fail is the normal rate! :)
Stay in 5th grade for another year.