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Q: Did Jackie Mittoo have any children of his own?
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NO, Jackie did not raise any other kids besides her own two children John and Caroline.

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Jackie Onassis and her husband the Greek tycoon had no children of their own. The children were from John Kennedy.

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he did not have any biological children. He had two step-children who lived with him and he and Martha raised her son Jackie's child as there own, but never had any biological children

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Washington did not have any children of his own. He had two step-children , John and Martha.

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George and his wife, Martha, had no children of their own; however, Martha had been married before, and had two children that lived with she and George. Their names were Martha (Patsy) and John (Jackie). Jackie died from a disease during the Revolutionary War, but left behind two children of his own: Eleanor and George. The elder Washingtons raised all of these kids and any of their two families that needed a home.

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No, Hitler never had any children of his own.

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no, Judith Jamison didn't have any children on her own

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Yes, George Washington had two stepchildren from his wife Martha Custis' previous marriage, and he and Martha also raised them as their own. However, he did not have any biological children of his own.

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Grace Hopper had no children of her own. She never married or had any biological children.

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we think he did have children we are still searchig but we all agree he had children