Christiano Ronald is not better then messi and messi can beat Christiano Ronald.
Cristiano Ronaldo ran a 10.23 in early 2012 for an interview with castrol edge where he raced the spanish indoor 100m champion in which he beat.
Cristiano Ronaldo would beat a post world player of the year ronaldinho because after he won those two years he lost his will to play... but Ronaldinho in his prime would tear cris to pieces
Sonic The Hedgehog. He does not like Rice and Chicken. He does not like the color blue either. Cristiano Ronaldo does not like all those things.
On 19th September 2007, Manchester United played Sporting Lisbon, not Porto. They won 1-0 and Cristiano Ronaldo scored.
1 time in 2008, when he scored 42 goals for man u.
The first three world cups had Pele and garrincha and in 19994 and 2002 ronaldo scored two goals to beat Germany.
skipping record
Well Beckham was good in the past but now he is loosing his touch and ronaldo is becoming bettter and will gradually beat others aswell
I did when I was ten, I beat the record of most jumps on a pogo, but I had no idea at the time0: