

Did British invent curry

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: Did British invent curry
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Related questions

When was The British Curry Awards created?

The British Curry Awards was created in 2005.

Did English invent curry?

It is a spicy dish of Indian origin

Where is Curry originally from?

It is originally a British dish

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the british

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Did the British officers invent tennis?

Not specifically British Officers, but yes, British Soldiers.

Why was India such a profitable colony for the British?

because of the curry and the corner shops... ;]

How did curry change the way then British eat?

it gave them spicy food

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Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, with lots of chillies

What traditionally Indian dish is now informally known as the British national dish?

Curry is the informal British national dish. It is an Indian food.

Who first created the curry?

Curry was first created by the British army cooks who had no way of keeping meat fresh in the hot Indian weather.So to hide the taste of the meat they put spices in the gravy creating the first curry.