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Q: Describe the roles and responsibilities of their team members and where the team members fit in the overall structure of the organization?
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The salient features of formal organization are as follows: (i) Organization structure is laid down by the top management to achieve organizational goals. (ii) Organization structure is based on division of labor and specialization to achieve efficiency in the operations. (iii) Organization structure concentrates on the jobs to be performed and not the individuals who are to perform jobs. (iv) The organization does not take into consideration the sentiments of organizational members. (v) The authority and responsibility relationships created by the organization structure are to be honored by everyone.

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It's a non-profit organization, not owned by anyone. Girl Scouts of the USA is a non-profit membership organization and does not have private owners. Instead, the organization has a controlling board, the National Board of Directors. GSUSA members control the organization through the delegate structure; by electing delegates who then elect the board members and change the by-laws.

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There are 153 members in the World Trade Organization.

Formal-informal structure of organization?

A formal organisational structure a formal structure exists where there is a recognizable chain of command and a formal communication software Informal Organisation Strucutre An informal organisational structure is more relaxed; networking and informal communications with members of staff

What are the differences between an organization and an informal group?

An organization is a formal group, therefore the duties, responsibilities, authority and accountability of each member is well-defined, while in an informal group, there are no fixed duties, responsibilities, authority, accountability, etc. for the members. Another difference is that in a formal group, the objectives/goals are spacific and well-defined. The main objectives of an informal group are friendship, security, common interest, individual and group satisfaction, etc.

What are the characteristics of a projectized organization?

A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects. the project team members report directly to the project manager who has a great deal of independence and authority (Imagine the structure in the Functional Organization) He reports directly to the CEO and has great control over his team and especially on what happens to his team members (Unlike the functional structure where the team is at the mercy of the functional manager) Along with the responsibility comes the high level of autonomy over the projects. The projects managers are a happy bunch of people in a Projectized organization. The functional and projectized organizations are like north and south poles of a magnet.

What is management view about organization?

A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are affected by their environment.

What is the management view about organization?

A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are affected by their environment.