He always travels with friends and family because he hates being alone, especially after living away from home from the age of 12 when he lived at Sporting FC.
He also has a personal photographer who goes everywhere he goes.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the fastest footballer alive. His pace is simbly unmatchable. Let alone Nedved, even Usain Bolt admires Ronaldo and admits him as the fastest soccer player.
You can travel anywhere alone. I have been to 16 countries alone and camped across the United States alone.
Mustangs typically travel in herds, but they will travel alone if they have to.
yes they travel in groups not alone, but sometimes they travel alone. :)
I travel alone.... :D
To travel alone you need to be 16 or older. You can travel with a supervisor at the age of 12
no the travel alone
no my son cannot travel alone
did giovanni da verrazono travel alone or with others
They are reptiles and they live alone .