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im a guessing no. but if you wanna good dye job, then dye it with RIT dye.

and you can learn how to dye it at places like

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Q: Could you dye your stick if you had vinegar salt and food coloring?
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What makes food coloring stick to food?

food coloring doesnt stick to food it obsorbes into food

What is in red distilled vinegar?

Food coloring.

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i think that when you put an egg shell in soda vinegar and food coloring it turns see through i think that when you put an egg shell in soda vinegar and food coloring it turns see through

What will happen if you pour vinegar and food coloring?

Yes you can

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Why do you need vinegar and food coloring to dye Easter eggs?

Because, to dye something, you need some sort of pigment/color. The food coloring is the dye; the vinegar is a weak acid which helps the dye to stick to the surface of the egg.

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Food coloring and vinegar.

What happen when you mix food coloring baking soda and vinager together?

When you mix food coloring, baking soda, and vinegar together, a chemical reaction occurs. Baking soda (a base) reacts with the vinegar (an acid) to produce carbon dioxide gas, causing bubbles to form. The food coloring is simply added for visual effect.

Were can you buy food coloring?

you could find food coloring at jewel osco.

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vinegar baking soda test tubes measuring cups goggles gloves themomters food coloring vinegar baking soda test tubes measuring cups goggles gloves themomters food coloring

How do you make fake volcano lava?

First you put water, vinegar, food coloring, and baking soda