Hi Thirdeye Thanks for giving out more personal information because it does help. I can see why you would be worried, but, if you have had a good marriage up until now, then you are going to have to do what the rest of us do .... trust your mate! Once our mates leave for work (that includes ourselves) then they are in full control of their own lives and we are just going to have to take th risk that they are honest and can handle these types of situations. There are always jerks out there that go after married women or ANY woman for that matter. Please give your wife some credit! When I worked with 8 other men most of the flirting was harmless and in good fun, but like anything else in life there is always some jerk that takes it further. No doubt this guy has a reputation, but it's HIS reputation that's rotten and he's the one that has disrespect from at least the female employees. This doesn't mean your wife can't handle herself and that she hasn't ignored his advances. Through the course of my life when guys hit on me I would turn it into a joke or ignore their advances and they'd soon get bored and move on to some other woman. I NEVER told my husband about this only because it was part of my daily life working with men and I knew I could handle myself. Think of it this way: What if your wife came home every day and said, "John, this guy keeps hitting on me and he won't leave me alone. He's a real jerk!" What would you do? You couldn't really go to her place of work and sock the guy in the nose (uncool) so you have to trust her in handling this. If your wife has been honest with you up until now in your marriage you have no reason to fear any man stealing her away from you. Most women are a lot smarter than you think. I would suggest that instead of accusing her say something like, "Look, I know guys can be jerks, so if you have any problems with him just feel free to talk it over with me." She always has the opportunity of slamming a sexual harassment charge against him to the Manager of the company she works with. In fact, ask her this question, "I'm curious to know with the reputation this jerk has why the female employees let him get away with what he does?" See what her response is. Marcy I found out guys were flirting with her at work from people she works with. I am not a verry jellous person and I do my best to give her the benefit of the doubt. but i asked her on 4 seperete occations and she told me no one had been flirting. my mother works with a guy whos wife works with my wife and they told my mother that they were flirting and tring to break up her marrage. and the guy that is doing this has apperently developed a reputation for doing this as a hobbie. I confronted my wife and told her I was going to be open and honest and I tld her what I herd and then after all that she told me yes that guy had been hitting on her. I feel that the dishonesty of it is what really hurts. what do you think? thirdeye
okk... so the damages of married people flirting are many... you may be accused of cheating or someone could start lies
I don't know if he's cheating on the marriage in the traditional sense, but he's apparently cheating on the agreement you both made. And he's hiding it, which means he's being dishonest.
animals can't talk so how could they be dishonest.....
The opposite could be dishonest, deceitful, disingenuous, or misleading.
Having intercourse because that's 'up close and personal.' Talking dirty is foreplay (could lead up to something) or flirting.
Dishonest is an adjective in a sentence. It means not to be honest.He was so dishonest, nobody at school could trust him.If you're dishonest, people's trust in you can be broken.
Most of the time it could be seen as flirting.
It depands if she been not talking to you much and flirting with other guys most likely or she could just not be comfortable having a boyfriend at the moment
She might not be flirting.. She could just be a very social person that comes out as flirting.
Mental cheating is very different from physical cheating. You might consider asking him to go with you to a couples counseling session. He may love you, but it sounds from your description of his 'mental cheating' that he is fantasizing about being with someone else. If he truly loves you, he should want to be with you and not another woman. I recommend that you get someone trained in couples therapy to help you find out if he really wants to continue a relationship with you. Mental cheating could possibly lead to physical cheating.
Yes. I wouldn't recommend cheating on your partner by flirting with others while in a relationship, but it's fine for Christians to flirt. If you feel guilty in doing this, you could always seek forgiveness at confession.
he could b flirting if he wrote alot of compliments to u