Jon Diebler is the 32nd ranked player in his Sophomore class. The NBA drafts five rounds, 30 picks in a draft. That is 150 players drafted a year. That means Jon's senior year in college, he could EASILY get drafted to the NBA. Peace nukkas!
Jon Jon Briones goes by Jon Jon.
Jon Jon Poulos went by Jon Jon.
Jon Augustavo goes by Jon Jon.
Jon Thibault goes by Jon.
Jon Jorgensen goes by English Jon.
Jon Pierre goes by Jon Pierre.
Jon Yellin goes by Jon Yellin.
well, if you don't get cut then you will go to the NBA.
You can find the best deals on authentic NBA jerseys at the NBA pro shop. The NBA pro shop can be found on their website and sometimes has deals on the authentic pro style jerseys worn in today's NBA.
Jon and Kate with the kid's do not go to Church.
To go to the NBA you have to get through college and hardwork .
Jon Bernreuter goes by Jon-o, Bernie, and Bern Bern.