Some words that can be made from 'sparks' are:aarkaskasspaparparkpassrapraspsapspaspar
Nicholas Sparks' "The Choice" has a total of 124,590 words.
Some words that can be made from COACH are:aahcocahahoocaoh
Words that can be made from the letters in coach are a, ah, ha, ho, and oh.
Inspired guidance of the Holy Spirit,Inspired personality of the authors,Inspired words, resulting in inspired text.
a. inspired guidance by the holy spirit b. inspired personality of the authors c. inspired words d. resulting in an inspired text
Kill, king, coach
There's no such word, but it's close to the following words: nitzotzim (× ×™×¦×•×¦×™×) = sparks nitzotz (× ×™×¦×•×¥) = spark
Harriet Tubman was only inspired by 'God.' She believed that 'His words' were in The Bible and used that to push for the freedom of others by herself.
You can tell if your Coach bag is genuine by looking at the tag on the inside, the words on it, or a couple other ways.
Bonfires can be kaleidoscopic. The sparks from the flames are multicolored.