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It means that it seems like your going to trip over your lower lip.

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Q: Cheer up Leigh or you'll trip over your lower lip?
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What does cheer up or youll trip over your lower lip mean?

This phrase is a playful way to encourage someone to feel better or be happy. The image of "tripping over your lower lip" is exaggerated and humorous, meant to suggest that staying sad or upset might lead to a clumsy or awkward situation. Overall, it's a lighthearted way of telling someone to cheer up.

What does it mean if someone tells you cheer up or you will trip over your lower lip?

it means if someones pouting their lower lip sticks out.

Are there any cheer teams around seattle?

Of course there are cheer teams all over!

How do you know if he will get over you?

Cheer up, sweetie, he will.

What has the author Jane Cholmeley Leigh Perrot written?

Jane Cholmeley Leigh Perrot has written: 'Trial of Jane Leigh Perrot'

What are examples of a cheer stunt sequence?

jumping over trucks on your motorcycle

Average number of fatal cheer accidents a year?

over 100,000 a year

What are the release dates for Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - 2012 The Over-Cheer 3-6?

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee - 2012 The Over-Cheer 3-6 was released on: USA: 15 January 2014 (internet)

How do you get over an ex who passed away?

try to stop thinking of it and cheer yourself up.

Do all high school cheerleaders go to cheer camp over the summer?

My team does, but not all do

When does Romeo's friends take him to a party to cheer him up?

Benvolio, Romeo's cousin, takes him to the Capulet house for a party to cheer him up and distract him from his heartbreak over Rosaline. This happens in the first Act.

How do you beat the other cheer squad?

There is NO guarantee that your cheer squad will win. but you're not a good cheerleader if you are asking how to beat the other cheer squad on the Internet when you could be practicing your routine, stretching, or work on your skills. Just remember to do YOUR best, do YOUR job, and that's all you can do! You have absolutely no control over what's going to happen during your opponent's routine, you only have control over your own.