There are many celebrities in the world that share the name Carmen. The first person that comes to mind is Carmen San Diego! Followed up closely Carmen Electra of course and last but not least Carmen from the the movie The Three Amigos!
2 points
yes, three points in the least number of points that can be used to define a plane. if you used two points you would only have a line, and one point is a point
Looks to be at least DD's. Money well spent.
A line contains at least 2 points.
you total up the points and th person with the least points wins
6 points...haha.
18 pts
You can buy them with aeroplan points (Wich is free, if you have the points to buy it, its how i got mine!), Or at some stores you can get them for about 80 dollars at the least.
YES. The intersection of two planes always makes a line. A line is at least two points.
non collinear point or points? no collinear points are points not on the same line. keep in mind that you have to have at least 3 points to make that happen.
sadly it is $50 but at least you'll have 400 points to spare :D