In short answer: No, they cannot play the ball everywhere on the field, only within their own defensive area.
According to the rules, when in the circle with stick in hand, a goalie may use any part of their body to save or deflect a shot at goal. When in the circle they may use kickers, legguards, feet, legs, and their stick as normal to "propel the ball forcefully so that it travels a long distance", i.e. clear it from the circle.
When the ball is within the 23-metre-area, they may only use their stick to hit the ball like a field player. If they are not within their own 23m area, they are not permitted to influence play, thatis tackle or contact the ball.
The sole exception to this is that a goalkeeper may come forward to take a penalty stroke.
Using the stick in the usual manner, with the stick and ball on the right hand side of the body.
it really depends. you basicly get a stick and try and get the ball into the oppositions play field hockey on the feild and there r many rules1- you cant touch the ball with your feet2- you can not obstruct (use your body to block your stick and the ball)3- you can not hack4- you can not double team the ballthese r just the ofur main rules of feild hockeyplease add any i missed
In soccer, it means to legally catch the ball with your body. In Field Hockey, trapping is catching the ball by pinning it between the stick and the ground, after which the player can move with the ball. In US football, it means that a forward pass is ruled incomplete because the player did not cleanly catch the pass, but caught it between his body and the ground.
In field hockey, FIH stands for Federation Internationale de Hockey (International Hockey Federation) and is the ruling body of international hockey.
In this situation the goal SHOULD BE AWARDED. The umpire's body and equipment are part of the field of play, and if the ball strikes them, play continues regardless.
A player may not: o Shield or obstruct the ball from an opponent with the body or stick. All players must have an equal chance to gain control of the ball as it is dribbled or passed down the field. o Play the ball with the rounded side of the stick. o Charge, hit, shove or trip an opponent. o Play the ball in a potentially dangerous way. o Raise the stick above the waist in a dangerous manner while attempting to play or stop the ball. o Advance the ball by any means other than with the stick. o Stop or deflect the ball in the air or on the ground with any part of the body. o Hit, hook, hold or interfere with and opponents stick.
No. Only a player with goalkeeping priveleges may use their feet or body to stop the ball, and only within their defensive circle. Players must use their stick otherwise.
The goalie
Legitimately prevent the ball from passing over the goalline beneath the crossbar. this might mean deflecting it with your stick, goalkeeper's pads or body, or trap it and clear it away from the goal.
Field hockey was removed from the 1924 Games because there was no single international governing body for the sport. It was replaced to the Olpympics in 1928 when the FIH had been founded.
The International Ice Hockey Federation is the name of the governing body that oversees ice hockey events. It is also known as the IIHF and consists of at least 70 members.