No, same goes for catchers gloves, only a first baseman can use a trapper and only a catcher can use a catchers glove
No a pitcher isn't supposed to use a 1st baseman's glove. however if you are talking about in a local league some umpires will not call you. i do by the way have had expierence where i had to change gloves during the game because i was called.
Little League Rule 1.12 - A catcher must wear a catcher's mitt(not a first basemans mitt or a fielders glove) any shape, size or weight consistent with protecting the hand.
The first baseman's glove is longer with a deeper pocket and generally not as wide as other infielder's gloves to help them catch balls thrown from the infielders. The majority of plays the second baseman, third baseman, and shortstop make are on ground balls and popups.The majority of playsthe first baseman makes are on throws from another infielder. Thelongerglove gives the first baseman an extra few inches to be able to catch the ball and the shorter width and deeper pocket is for a better grip of the ball once it is caught.
No. You must have a glove to play in the field, no matter where. Obviously, except for the base coaches and umpires.
Any and all positions commonly wear a protective glove, from attackers to defenders. That worn by a goalkeeper is not technically a glove, but is often referred to as such anyway.
A Rawlings Brooks Robinson baseball glove is worth anywhere from $25 to $150. It will depend upon the age of the glove and its condition.
The inside of the glove compartment would not go through the firewall to the engine area. It might have slipped up into the dashboard if it isn't on the floor.
Carlos Pena uses a first baseman's glove.
Have to remove the whole glove box first
No, although it might be overlooked in a field environment.