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Yes you can, as long as you don't grab onto their face mask.

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Q: Can you stiff arm to the face in college football?
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Related questions

Is it illegal to stiff arm the opposing team in football?

No, it's not illegal.

Is it a legal play for an offensive player to stiff arm a defensive player on their helmet or face mask?

No, it is illegal for an offensive player to stiff arm a defensive player on their helmet or face mask. This action would result in a penalty for illegal use of hands to the face.

Can you stiff arm the facemask in high school football?

It's definately possible.. Legal? Who cares its worth it

Why can a running back give a stiff arm to a defender and not have a penalty of hands to the face?

Because he doesn't put his hand on the face mask of the defender.

Is shoving your arm in someone's face an illegal move?

for football no but if you grab and hold yes

What is this short gray stiff hair growing out of my arm?

It is a short, gray, stiff hair.

What is the climax of fighting tackle?

stiff arm

What muscles are used during a stiff arm?

A stifff arm is the name of a move a football player does to defend the football (it's always the player that's running with the ball). While he has the ball in one hand, the other arm sticks out and stiffens, hence the name stiff arm. By doing so, it appears as if he is commanding the person to stop, and this creates distance between the ball and the defender, making it harder for the defender to get the ball.

Can you stiff arm in lacross?

no, that would be considered warding

Who has the best arm in college football?

Accuracy - Colt McCoy, Texas - 78% Season in the 2008 season (record). Throwing Distance: Sam Bradford, Oklahoma.

Why the arm band above or below the elbow of LSU college players?

It's only fashion.

How can you throw a football farther?

Arm Strength