The referee has the power to send off players or substitutes. Showing a red card is merely a formality. It is recommended, but not required.
A 'discard' is a type of send, and the card is sent from your hand.
You can never destroy, discard, or otherwise send to the graveyard a card unless directed to by a card effect or a game rule. The exception is a Field Spell card, you can replace one with another even though the first is occupying your Field Spell card zone.
i won't send an mp3 to fm without a transmitter and mp3 player.
A send off should be signaled by showing a red card to the player.
A Yellow card is a sin-bin offense where the player is sent to the touchline for a period of ten minutes normally. The red card is immediate sending off. The player leaves the field of play and must not stand on the touch line. There is no return to play for this person and following a red card offense this usually means a time ban period for the player concerned where they will not be allowed to play.The first shown yellow card means that the player will get 10 minutes in the "sin bin" off the field of play.The second time a yellow card is shown to the same player will force a red card to also be shown. The player must leave the field of play and may also be banned from playing in a number of matches based on the reason.For a dangerous type of play i.e. gouging, spear tackling, strainght arm tackling or stamping this is a red immediately and the player is sent off with a citing to be banned for a period of time.
anyone can send postcards you click on the penguin you want send a postcard to then click the mail box on there player card then choose which card you wand to send you ll have to pay 10 coins
You can send a thank you card to the person that send you a card of encouragement. The thank you card is to say that the card they send you was great and that it did help.
You cannot voluntarily just send a card from hand or field to the graveyard for no reason. It can only do so if its text specifically lets you, or you do it for the cost, or by the effect of another card.
if there is an extra player stop the game and send him off the field and then do a drop ball.
Send it back WITHOUT using it - with a letter asking the company not to send it to you again.
Send her a funny card with a little note.
Foul play - yellow card means 10 minus in the "Sin Bin" the player then can return to the field of play - red card and its an "early bath" - Play is sent off the field of play and away from the game area - Normally a red card offense is followed by a ban from the game of a preset time