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Q: Can you score outside the semi circle in netball?
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How long is the semi circle for shooting in netball?

Since I play netball i can answer this It is about 4 or 5 metres long

Who is allowed inside the 'D' on a Netball court?

When you mean 'D', I am assuming that you mean the semi-circle in your teams goal. If you are the only positions in netball allowed in the semi-circle are Goal Shooter (GA), Goal Attack (GA), Goal Keeper (GK), and Goal Defence (GD). Keep in mind that the GS and GA are only allowed in their goal semi-circle and the GK and GD are only allowed in the opposition goal semi-circle. Hope this helped :) Vicky

What ways do you score points in basketball?

there are 3 ways that i know of one is a free throw for a penalty the second is a three pointer (outside of black semi circle, the bigger one) and a two pointer (inside the big black semi circle)

Where can you only score from in field hockey?

You can only score within the semi circle or 'D' as its known.

What is gk in netball?

GK stands for goal keeper. For goal keeper you can get the ball off the other team and shoot goals so your allowed in the semi circle but your not allowed in the other teams semi circle.

What does the gs in netball do?

gs stands for goal shooter They are allowed in the attacking goal third and semi circle. They are the shooters

Where is the wing defense allowed?

I play wing defence in netball. you can go in your third and the centre third but not in the semi circle

What does the center do in netball?

The c starts with the ball in the circle on the court. They are allowed anywhere except the semi circles.(Ds)

How do you label a netball court?

Share the netball court into three parts and mark it. In the middle of the netball court put a circle. Make a frame around the court. Then put a D ( semi circle ) in the ends of the court near the hoops. And you're done. Hope that helps

Where can the goal keeper go in netball?

The goal keeper in netball may only goal in the goal circle for the opposite team and that goal third, They are not allowed to go into/past the centre third

What is the name of semi circle area outside the kaaba?

Hatim , it is part of Kabbah .

How many positions are allowed to enter the semi-circle in a game of netball?

four positions are allowed into the semi circle also known as the "D" or "goal circle". those positions are GD (goal defense) GA (goal attack) GK (goal keeper) and GS (goal shooter)