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Yea but u have to make ur player a certain color and height/weight to do it its kinda stupid actually lol

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13y ago
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13y ago

Set their skin to medium and change the face to medium four its quite easy

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Q: Can you put dreads on football players head in ncaa football 2012?
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Did waka flocka shave his head?

No he still has dreads.

What are fantansy football teams?

Fantasy football teams consist of quarterbacks, wide receivers, tight ends, defenses, running backs and kickers. These players score points for their fantasy football teams in head to head games.

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Football players are undoubtedly tougher than soccer players. Football players tackle each other every game, slam into each other, pile on top of each other, and is the sport most prone to injuries and concussions. Soccer players are tough for running endurance, but football players run hundreds of yards a game, just not as much as a soccer player. In all, football players are tougher than soccer players. Soccer is tougher because you don't wear protection from head to toe like in football. Where in soccer you tackle,kick,shoot and all that stuff without protection.

Does 40 strands of dreads fits your head?

Yes, at about a pinky fingers width.

What is the GU for on professional football uniforms?

Gene Upshaw was the head of the NFL Players Union. He's dead now.

Can swimmers grow dreads?

yes by dipping their head in the toilet. u should try it ;)

Why do some football players have that bleed on the bridge of their nose?

the crest of their helmet slides down on their head and pops their nose on their nose

How many Cleveland Browns players are in the football Hall of Fame?

Currently 19 people are in the Hall of Fame with Cleveland Browns ties 18 players and 1 head coach.

What is a competent performer in football?

An athlete who is very aware of his surroundings and the other players. For the lack of a better expression, someone who has their ''head on a swivel''

Why Lil Wayne must cut his dreads?

cuz in jail you have to shave your head to prevent lice from gettin in

How is revolution football helmets safe?

Helmet sits higher off the head. Helmet also extends to cover the mandible bone on players jaw.

Is it true lil wanye shaved his head bald?

I don't know if he shaved it bald, but yes he had to cut his dreads off