Yes, there is no rule saying when you can punt and when you cannot.
Depending on field position the team with the ball will most likely punt or attempt a field goal.
Depending on field position the team with the ball will most likely punt or attempt a field goal.
They punt.
If the team is down to their 4th down and have yet to make the 10 yards to get to 1st down again, a team would either set up for a field goal if they are in range, or simply punt the ball instead of attempting a 4th and long.
Go for it, punt it, or try for a field goal and 3 points
if you did not get a first down on your first three plays and you have to punt or go for it on 4th down
When it is fourth down and a field goal is too long. They won't punt when they are trailing late in a close game either.
A team will punt the football when they can not get a 1st down after 3rd downs. This is only done when the team is not in range to kick a field goal. The main reason for a punt is to make the other team start there drive farther back.
The offense can punt the ball at any time (on any down not just 4th) from behind the line of scrimmage. Once they punt the ball the other team must touch it before they can touch it again. If the punting team touches the punt first it is downed at that very spot and given to the other team. If a punt goes out of bounds it is given to the other team where it went out and if it goes untouched into the endzone it is put on the 20yd line and the other team takes over. Anyone not just a player listed as a punter can punt the ball. In high school football it is common to line up in a shot-gun formation on 4th down and then have the quarter back quick punt the ball. This sometimes tricks the defense into thinking the offense is attempting to get a 1st down and they may not have someone back to run back the punt. It can also be used just in case the defense does line up in a normal punt return formation and then the quarter back makes a quick choice after taking the snap as to whether he will go for the first down or kick the ball away.
Punt, Field Goal, or you can do for it.
Punt Bama Punt happened on 1972-12-02.
In ALL FOOTBALL a punting team must actually CONTROL the ball to down it. It is commonly believed that the punting team merely has to touch the punted ball to down it, but that is incorrect. The punting team must CONTROL it to down it.