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It would be very difficult to play in the snow but there are facilities around the country that have an indoor field so that teams can play year round.

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Q: Can you play softball in 98 degrees temperature?
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What is the coldest temperature -119 or -98?

-119 degrees is colder than -98 degrees.

Temperature for adult?

98 degrees Fahrenheit .

What is the temperature for chicken incubators?

98 to 100 degrees

Why is it spicy when you pee?

It is because your body temperature is 98 degrees

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98 degrees

Does an ostrich have constant body temperature?

98 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the minimum temperature for an infant?

As a nurse, we don't like them to be below 98 degrees.

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He was in a boy band called 98 Degrees.

What is the body temperature of a meerkat?

i believe it would be very similar to that of a humans (98 degrees)

Is 98.6 Fahrenheit a fever?

no, the normal body temperature is 98-100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do you have a fever if your temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit?

No. It should be your temperature right now. If not, go see a doctor.

What is the temperature of water that is considered lukewarm?

The temperature of water that is considered lukewarm is typically around 98-105 degrees Fahrenheit.