You can play Baseball with a cricket bat but it would be hard to swing, since cricket bats are heavier than baseball bats. If the bat isn't strong enough, there is a chance that it might break. Playing cricket with a baseball would be a lot easier, but you should stick to the bats of the sport.
Cricket for one
do you mean an actual animal bat or a bat as in bat and ball i hope its not the animal otherwise it would be animal abuse lol you could use a bat in cricket, tennis, batminton, baseball, croquet, table tennis and more
i think a baseball bat...
you can not play cricket with a macaw!
Um.. I beliece that is four words. In any case, all of them could be preceding "bat." fruit bat, baseball bat, cricket bat, vampire bat.
The things needed to play cricket are bat ,ball, wicket 22 players,umpires and skills to play cricket.
INNING - a play period in cricket or baseball
Well, cricket and baseball are like two happy little trees in the same beautiful forest. One way they are alike is that both sports involve hitting a ball with a bat and scoring runs by running between different points on the field. Just like painting, both cricket and baseball require patience, practice, and a love for the game to truly appreciate their beauty.
you can not play cricket with a macaw!
A ball,a bat and a stump.
One game played with a bat and no ball is Piñata.Games played with a bat and ball include baseball and cricket.