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Yes, paintball guns are not classified as firearms, therefore, do not fall under the same restrictions as a firearm.

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Q: Can you own a paintball gun with a misdemeanor domestic?
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Can you own a paintball gun with a misdemeanor domestic in the state of maine?

There is no background check required for paintball guns.

Can you own a gun if you have a misdeameanor?

Depends on the misdemeanor. Domestic violence or drugs- no.

Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor?

yes unless it is for domestic violence

Can you own a gun in Wisconsin if you have a class A misdemeanor on your record?

yes just as long its not a felony Actually, it depends on what type of misdemeanor. If it is a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence, you cannot own a gun (or more specifically, you are a prohibited person).

Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor in Colorado?

So long as it isn't for domestic violence, yes.

Can you own a gun with a misdemeanor in new jersey?

Depends on the misdemeanor. Some, such as Domestic Violence, and unlawful drug use, are a bar to possessing firearms anywhere in the US. Actually, the only disqualifying misdemeanor listed in federal law is misdemeanor for Domestic Violence.

Can you own a gun in Utah if you have misdemeanor domestic violence charges?

Not in Utah, nor anywhere else in the US.

What misdemeanor offenses make you ineligible to own a gun?

Examples of a misdemeanor offense that might make you ineligible to own a gun include domestic violence and possession of an illegal drug conviction. If you have an unserved warranty on you, you may not be able to get a gun in certain states.

Can you own a gun if you are convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence Michigan?

You need to consult a lawer for a current, correct and legal answer.

Can you own a gun if convicted of domestic violence misdemeanor in Kansas?

No- and not just Kansas, but nowhere in the US. FEDERAL law.

Can a person that is disabled and also has a record of a class a misdemeanor get a gun permit?

It depends on where you are. In the U.S. each state sets its own rules. I can tell you, by federal law, the only misdemeanor that disqualifies you from owning a gun is a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence.

Were can you shoot a paintball gun?

At paintball fields, or on your own property.