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This could take many years, happen very quickly, or not happen at all. There is not garauntee that you will ever get the chance to play professional soccer, even if you play well in high school and college soccer. The length of time it takes to become a professional soccer player depends on several factors:

1. Your technical skills (touch, shooting, passing, dribbling, defending, etc.)2. Your athletic abilities (speed, strength, size, quickness, etc.)3. Your tactical skills (soccer brain, team shape, support, etc.)4. Your exposure (who you play for, history of programs you play for, where you play, what tournaments, etc.)5. The level at which you're playing (premier team, ODP, NCAA Division I/II/III, etc.)6. Who you know (coaches, who your coaches know, other players, agents, etc.)7. Politics (other players have been more well known for a longer period of time)8. Luck

Even if you have a good rating in all of these factors, there is still no garauntee. Just keep working hard, and give everything you can and hope for the best. And if it doesn't work out, at least you gat it your all.

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Q: Can you just play good in high school and go to college working hard trained hard but how many years you have to wait until you can get drafted to play professional soccer?
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