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No! This is a fire hazard and should not be attempted.

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Q: Can you fill up a co2 tank with propane?
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How much does it cost to fill up a propane tank for a house?

The cost to fill up a propane tank for a house can vary depending on the size of the tank and current propane prices. On average, it can cost between 500 to 800 to fill a typical 500-gallon propane tank for a house.

Can you fill up a co2 tank withan air compressor?

yes you can when you use a compressor only fill up the co2 tank for 2 seconds for every ounce the tank can hold (9 ounce tank=18 seconds) <><><><><> However, the CO2 tank is designed for CO2, not ordinary air, and it is rated for only a specific pressure. If you don't have the proper equipment to do this, it is better for your own safety to leave it to a professional.

How many pounds of propane would it take to fill up a 20 pound tank?


Where can i refill my CO2 tank?

sure, gennerally there are 30lb co2 tanks and 50lb tanks that you can fill from, you will also need a fill station and instruction from a air smith on how to use it, so it is fairly expensive to own, but what a lot of people do it buy a fill station and then rent a co2 tank for the day from a welding shop or another place that will do it (scuba shops sometimes, propane stations, you just have to do a little searching) for a 50lb tank i think it was around $30-$40 so have everyone pitch in a few bucks and you are covered for the day

How do you refill co2 tank?

If you are not trained on filling Co2 tanks (unlike HPA tanks) you should not attempt this, on risk of breaking the burst disks, or freezing your hand. An HPA tank however, you can simply hook up and fill.

How many gallons of propane will a 325 gallon tank hold?

A 325-gallon tank will hold up to 325 gallons of propane.

How do you refill a co2 tank for a paintball gun?

Take it to a shop! if you want to do it yourself the normal way is to put the bottle on scales and fill it from a larger bottle to a fill weight. To be honest though CO2 is well out of date. A smart move would be to move onto compressed air.

How does a small propane tank hook up to a Coleman roadtrip LXE grill?

On the Coleman roadtrip grill, there is a propane connector located at the end of the propane line. Simply connect the line to the appropriate size propane tank and tight the connector. If you are using a large tank, you will need to purchase an adapter.

How can you convert you paintball gun from CO2 to HPA do you need a regulator with your tank or just the tank can you fill it yourself?

if your tank runs out take it to your locale paintball field thay should fill it up for you for a small fee exp=5$ unlimated air for the day at my field.

Does a standard gas grill propane tank weigh 20 pounds or does the propane weigh 20 pounds?

20# tanks holds up to 20 #s of propane. The tank weight itself is designated as TW on the tank collar (usually 17-19 lbs)

How did jaws die in jaws?

blown up by the shooting of a propane tank in his mouth

How many gallons do you need to fill up a 500 gallon propane tank to 60 percent?

60% * 500 = 300three hundred gallons (of liquid - the gas before being liquefied - takes up MUCH more volume)