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This will largely depend on where they are going. Some places yes, others no.

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Q: Can you export upgrade parts for paintball markers from US?
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Where can you customize a paintball gun?

Most local paintball dealers will have the parts as well as the expertise to customize repair and upgrade paintball markers. They will usually show you how to do the customization yourself of they will do it for you for a price. You can buy customized markers online from some manufacturer sites or from resale sites such as eBay.

How well do smart parts impulse paintball markers work?

depends on what u get impulse sucks but if you get to a shocker there greeeeeeeeeeat TM

Why are angel paintball guns expinseve?

Because they use high end parts, and had a reputation for being the best quality markers available.

What are good paintball gun companys?

All Companies have very good standards for paintball markers and accessories, with the exception of the low end Brass Eagle, JT, Stryker, Spyder markers or anything sold at Generic retail stores (Walmart, Kmart, ect.) Some exceptional and high end Paintball marker companies include Planet Eclipse, Dye, Bob Long, higher end Smart Parts markers, DLX and Angel Paintballbut i think tippmann is the best

Are all paintball gun parts the same?

No, the majority of paintball parts will only fit the type or series of markers they were designed for. This being said most series have some interchangeable parts, like the Tippmann 98, A5 and X7 all use the same guide rail, main spring, detents, front bolt, trigger pins and sear. Between the majority of paintball guns, the ASA, Regulators and macro lines are able to be switched with one another.

What is internal air in paintball?

Air is the source of power for the paintball marker. It is the pressure that moves all of the internal parts (unless electrical) and physically moves the paintball out of the barrel.

How paintball has changed over the years?

It has developed from a single gun to three distinct types of guns. Scenario markers which are highly realistic looking markers that use magazines instead of hoppers, to try to accurately simulate a conflict. Woodsball markers which are most guns suited for beginners because of their durability, but also has many advanced paintball parts. Finally: Speedball guns, which are very flashy, alien looking, high rate of fire guns used for tournaments in very small fields.

What is a planet eclipse ego?

A planet eclipse Ego is a line of high end, poppet valve paintball markers by the company Planet Eclipse. Their budget line of markers is the ETEK, which uses less expensive parts, and the GEO is their high end spool valve line (some people prefer this).

Are azodin kaos paintball guns a good paintball gun?

For only $90 dollars, it is a very "good" marker. It has all standard barrel, asa, and feed neck threads, so you can buy new parts at every paintball store if you wanted to. Its double trigger is functional, unlike most spyders. It is much more reliable and overall built better than comparable spyders. Along with the Us army Tippmann markers (which are generally heavier, slower and more durable), this is one of the best starter markers available.

Why do paintball markers have co2 cans?

The CO2 tank is the propellant for the marker. It is very high pressure and is what physically shoots the paintballs out of the barrel, it is also what moves all of the internal parts, allowing the marker to fire and reload.

Where can you get a paintball gun for less than 50 dollars?

Ebay or Walmart. These guns are either refurbished or generally are made of low quality parts and will last for less time then most markers. Some good places are, and

Where can one purchase a Smart Parts Ion paintball gun?

There are a few places where someone could purchase a Smart Parts Ion paintball gun. A store like Sears, and websites such as trademygun, and ultimatepaintball, all sell Smart Parts Ion paintball guns.