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Sure! But it might fall apart...

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Q: Can you dry foam footballs in the dryer?
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Can you dry a foam pillow in amachine dryer?

I wouldnt. The heat would cause the foam to melt and possibly catch fire

What are modern day footballs made of?

Foam and leather

How has football changed since it originated?

a lot of footballs aren't made of pigskin anymore they are fake and some are foam

How do you dry a lilly?

Plug a blow dryer in and dry it.

Why was dryer invented?

Hair dryer: U.S. Clothes dryer: France

How do you dry shoelaces?

put them in the DRYER

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How do you dry your hair quickly?

Towel dry it, then use a blow dryer.

What was the hair dryer device used for?

To dry wet hair...(Hint: HAIR DRYER)

What dry carpet cleaner products are available?

The available dry carpet cleaning products are dry carpet cleaner powder, dry carpet cleaner foam. dry carpet and upholstery dry foam shampoo and the whole dry carpet cleaner kit.

Can you machine dry a foam pillow?

No. Heat will melt the foam and possibly cause a fire

Where can you buy foam that is similar to what is used in Nerf toys you would like to make a mold for mini basketballs and footballs?

go to home depot