Yes it is possible, but it is very difficult.
It is hard to do because you have to create a more complex force to flip in that direction when you become airborne. Most of the weight is at least at the rear of the bike, which would mean you would have to push down, at the front of the bike to front flip rather than pull or lean like a back flip.
It would require precise timing and excellent talent to pull it off, but so far no-one has successfully completed it.
(WARNING!:i am not responsible for any accidents, if this is your first time make sure you practice in a safe environment with a coach or spotter. first try this on a trampoline)
Yes they can
by practicing in front of a mirror lol
yes he can
Jim Dechamp.
Physics is used in sports to determine how something in a sport should be done such as doing a frontflip physics gives you the angles and power you should use to complete the frontflip
Yes he has a motorbike but it wasn't exposed his motorbike at all times.
press abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z al at the same time and you will do a frontflip. if you want to do a backflip go up to your mom and yell, why are you an idiot and you will do a backflip hope this helps
its the size of the engine in the motorbike.
Do i need a motorbike licence or to register a 70cc motorbike in Victoria
I usually trace it when drawing a motorbike.
Kawasaki is the best 50cc motorbike.
a motorbike would cost about £2000-£10000 it depends on witch motorbike you are buying