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Hey, you just need to visit and create a player profile!

The best way I can think is to be different. Lots of players dye their hair green to get noticed or gold boots etc...remember if you are to do this then ensure your going to have a good game!

Johann Cruyff said it best the game is simple a good pass today is a great pass. A good shot is a great shot. Everyone can pass and shot but few make the simple functions great.

Im still a young player but i know the number one thing is work hard never stop working your hardest its also what u do on your own time that helps always play like there is a scout watching you practice all your skills on your own time and when with friends practice your team game that's what i have been taught

u don't want to make ur equipment or how u look be the reason u get noticed. if u got bright green hair then, yes, u'll be seen, but what scouts look for is that flare and surge in each player. they want someone who can take control of any situation and make into a scoring chance. being a finisher is good, but making the plays is even better. make ur personality and skill the part why u deserve to be on the team

Hi how are you doiung today? Am wondering how do become i scout fopr soccer can you let me know how to become one as acout please and thank you have nice day heres my email

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8y ago
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8y ago

If referring to college scouts, middle school players have very little chance of being "scouted." College scouts focus their efforts on competetive tournaments in which under 16, 17, and 18 club teams participate.

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15y ago

I play soccer alot and i know that to improve you need to practise.You also can just do litle things like kick the ball against the wall at home and see how many times you can juggle the ball see if you can get to 10 thne 20 30 40 50 60 then maybe 100.

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12y ago

join a club and train. as you get odler liek my age and your still skillful many people come to watch your game. my team is currently on first place this season and i am captain. we often have people coming to watch our games and occasionally one of our team may be offerd a place in other teams. this is good because it shows people think you are good and want you on your team. you never now who might come to watch your game. you might even get 1 of the socceroos.i have been given several offers so what im saying isn't made up. though i have turned most down because i want to stick with this team. i still play for other teams when they are short of players but i am still only training with 1 team.

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15y ago

There are several venues to the scouting process. By "scouted" I assume you're talking about either professional soccer or the Olympic or World Cup teams.

First, every state in the USA has several competitive "club" (travel) teams. These teams generally have a very high level of coaching. From these teams, the best players in each age group make it into the ODP state pool (Olympic Development Program). From the various state pools are picked the regional camp teams, which have tournaments heavily visited by the scouts, as the "best of the best" from around the country are playing all in one area during a short period of time. From those kids, the national scouts and college scouts will pull people.

Being a skilled player at the high school level can certainly get one noticed. But if it's at a school where the team has a very bad record, it's possible that a very good player could be overlooked. Generally, the top players will help lead their teams to regional victories, where they are more likely to be noticed and selected for a higher level of play. Yes you can be noticed by one without being on your high school team! Being on a club team is way more important than being on a high school team. Yeah, being on a high school team does help, but it's definitely not everything. I play for club, and I'm on the varsity soccer team at my school. And I most likely won't get noticed through my high school, because our team sucks, haha. When you're on a club team their main goal is getting their players on college teams. Cause if you get picked, it makes their club more popular. Makes perfectly good sense, ey? I thought so too! Haha!

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7y ago

If you feel you're that good hire a sports agent that will promote you and ask for scout to watch you play

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13y ago

Each team has a try-out session schedule. Visit each club's website for calendars (or contact information).

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Q: Can you be noticed by soccer scouts without being on a high school team?
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Can you be noticed by soccer scouts without being on an ODP team?

yea scouts are everywhere. especially high school years. Remember to give 100% where ever you play in your backyard, practice, local park, and games, you never know who's watching.

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soccer scouts dont get any money. they just get free beer at the pub after the training.

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Yes because it will look very good on your application to any college.

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where scouts lookusually, in state colleges like rutgers or Miami University but some do look in local colleges and a lot of division 1 and 2 scouts look there too.

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Coachs get their players through scouts. Scouts go out to collage games and watch for the players that would do good on their teams. they also watch tey videos

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one way to get the attention of soccer scouts is to play your best game and get assists or goals for your team.another way to get the attention of soccer scouts is to be a team player

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What age should you start to try to get college soccer scouts look at you?

You should start trying to get college scouts to look at you at around age 16. This is when you will be a prime target for the scouts.

Why do soccer scouts not come to middle school games to look for players?

Because middle school games mean absolutly nothing to them. Once your in highschool they may come to look at you but really all the scouts flock to the club soccer tournaments that contain high profile players. They want the best and fully developed player not a still growing and learning player. Because that would be a complete waste of time 99.99% of the time

Is there soccer in high school?

YES there are soccer in high school every high school have a soccer cond.

How can you get a scholarship for soccer?

you work hard in a club or at a school and hope to get recognized or seen by a scout. Try to get with a team where you will go somewhere like big tournaments because there are always scouts there. Also send letters to big soccer schools and send them a highlights of your career and talk to them about it.

Do you need to go school to be professional soccer player?

Yes you do indeed, without school you wouldn't know how to work out goal difference.