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Q: Can you be drafted into major leagues if you do not live in America?
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That's where the major studios are and it's a comparatively cheap place to live.

What is major Indian group lives around the northern rim of North America?

The Inuit and Yupik people live in the far north of North America.

In what desert can you find the jackrabbit?

Jackrabbits live in all the major deserts of North America.

Can you get drafted in my player mode NBA 2k10?

You need NBA draft combine off of XBOX live marketplace in order to get drafted

Is there a baseball league for players that don't play college baseball?

Most major cities have adult amateur baseball leagues of varying talent levels. If you live in the country though, or a city that doesn't, you might have to found your own!

How do runners advance on an overthrow?

In Major League Baseball: If the ball is live, they advance as far as they want at their own risk. If the ball is dead, the umpires will direct them to their appropriate base. Some leagues may have different rules governing this.

Where do jackrabbits live in the desert?

Jackrabbits are known to live in various deserts across North and Central America, including the Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, and Chihuahuan Desert. They prefer open areas with low vegetation that provide cover and food sources such as grasses and shrubs. Jackrabbits are well-adapted to arid environments and can often be found in sandy or rocky terrain.

Do iguanas live in Latin America?

They do live in America,but not in ''Latin America.''

What desert do rattlesnakes live?

Rattlesnakes live in all the major deserts of the United States and Mexico. There are some species that are also found in the tropical regions of Central and South America.

What continent do you live on if you live in THE US?

If you live in the USA, you live on North America.

What was the major cause of the growth of the workforce?

The major cause of growth in the workforce was increased immigration. Most people who came to America were unskilled laborers wanting to live the American dream and provide for their families.

Do vampires live in America?

No, vampires do not live in America as they do not exist.