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Q: Can you be a flyer if your 5'1 and weigh 99 pounds?
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brenda song exactly weigh 99 pounds

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233 pounds

How much should a 4'10 21 year old female weigh?

It is "ideal" to weigh between 95-99 pounds But I'd say: about 100 pounds,

How much should a 5' 1'' way?

A person who is 5'1 should weigh about 99-110 pounds depending on if they are male or female. Anything under 99 pounds is considered underweight.

What is 99 pounds weigh in kg?

99 pounds weighs the same as about 44.91kg

What is 99-51?

99-51 = 48

You are 11 and weigh 99 pounds is that healthy?

It depends on your height, to your question you should also add your height.

How much does Alexa Vega Weigh?

I guess that she weigh something like 99-106 pounds (45-48 kg).

What is 99 kilogram in pounds?

99 kilograms is equivalent to approximately 218 pounds.

How much should a 12 year old boy weigh at 62 inches?

Im12 and weigh 99 pounds inane know idea if that's to skinny or to fat

What is 99 grams in pounds?

99 g = 0.21826 pounds.

Is it normal for a 28 year old to weigh 99 pounds?

No. Unless you're really short and petite that'd make you underweight.