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does the story the origin of this world by the maranaws qualify as myths

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Q: Can we qualify the origin of this world by the Maranao is a myth?
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Does the story of the origin of this world by the maranao qualify as a legend why or why not?

The story "The Origin of this World" by the Maranao qualifies as a legend. It is a Philippine myth that follows reported folklore, not documented fact, about how the world was created.

Does the story of the origin of this world by the maranaos qualify as a myth?


What does big as the myth of origin mean?

An origin myth is a myth that purports to describe the origin of some feature of the natural or social world. One type of origin myth is the cosmogonic myth, which describes the creation of the world. So most likely it means that something goes on for a really long time. Hope this helped.

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What is an example of a origin myth?

The short story the the of the seasons is an example of an origin myth

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Why is "The Origin of the Robin" considered a creation myth?

How was the world created in the maranao version?

In the Maranao version, the world was created by a supreme being called Maguindanao who decreed the creation of the universe. Maguindanao originated from the formless void and gradually fashioned the earth, sky, and all living things into existence. This creation myth emphasizes the power and presence of Maguindanao in shaping the world.

Does the story the origin of this world by the maranaws qaulitify as a myth?

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What is the purpose of a creation myth?

To explain how the world came to be the way it is: the origin of things, places, and people.

What is the origin of the myth of Noah's Arc?

It's not a Myth, it's true.

Why the origins of the worldby the maranaos qualify as a myth?

The origins of the world by the Maranaos qualify as a myth because it is a traditional story that explains the creation of the world and the existence of humanity in a symbolic and culturally significant way. It is based on supernatural beings and events that are not scientifically proven. Myths like these are often passed down through generations to help make sense of the world and convey important cultural beliefs.

Why a myth cannot qualify as a scientific law or theory.?

Because they differ