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According to the NFL Rulebook: " A kickoff is illegal unless it travels 10 yards OR is touched by the receiving team. Once the ball is touched by the receiving team or has gone 10 yards, it is a free ball. Receivers may recover and advance. Kicking team may recover but NOT advance UNLESS receiver had possession and lost the ball. " According to the NFL Rules, the kicking team may not advance the ball on a kickoff unless it has been possessed first by the receiving team. In the play you saw in the Washington/Seattle playoff game, the ball went unpossessed by the receiving team when the kicking team gained control. In that case, possession is awarded to the kicking team at the spot where the kicking team gained control of the ball. no. the ball is dead where the kicking team touched it

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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Yes but only if the ball is fumbled by the other team (the runner loses possession while running or touches the football but does not catch it). The kicking team cannot recover a kicked ball if the receiving team has not touched it/fumbled. If the kicking team does touch it before the receiving team does, it is considered a dead ball and the receiving team's offense will start wherever the ball was stopped.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, as long as it has traveled further than 10 yards.

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Q: Can the team that kickoff recover the ball 30 yards down field?
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Why dont kicking teams get to recover on a 40 yard kickoff onside kicks are if ball travels over 10 yards?

As long as the ball ges 10 yards and is grounded at some point during the kick it is a free ball and may be recovered in the field of play by either team.

After a kickoff if it travels over 10 yards is it anyone's ball?

Yes, as long as no one on either team touches it before the 10 yards. After the ball travels ten yards during a kickoff it is a free ball. That's correct. Once the ball travels 10 yards, anyone can recover it.The receiving team can always recover after anydistance. So if an onside kick only travels 5 yards instead of the required 10 and the receiving team recovers, the receiving team would take possession of the ball at that spot.The 10-yard rule is a restriction on the kicking team only. The kickers cannot recover the ball until is has traveled 10 yards, UNLESS the receiving team touches the ball first. After the receiving team touches the ball, the kicking team can recover, regardless of how far the ball has traveled.

How far away is the receiving team from the kicking team during an onside kick?

The receiving team must be 10 yards from the spot of the kickoff before a kick and must remain so until the ball is kicked. If they go inside of 10 yards before the ball is kicked, they are guilty of offside, which would would be 5 yards and a rekick, if the kicking team doesn't recover.

What is the height the football travels during kickoff in football?

the football must travel ten yards for the offense to touch it. However, if the ball hits a defender, it is a live ball(the offense can recover it.)

Can you kick an onside kick after a safety?

After a safety, the team that was forced into a safety must punt the ball to the opposing team instead of kicking a normal kickoff. I guess it just depends on how far the ball is being punted, there are no rules on how far the ball must be punted after a safety. So the answer is yes but it's not called an onside kick.

High school rules on punts and kick off?

Can a kickoff team catch the ball in the air if it has gone 10 yards

Why Was I Always Taught That Once A Kick off Went 10 Yards It Was A Free Ball Unless It Went Out Of Bounds. I have Seen At Least 2 College Games Where The Ball Went Into The End Zone Untouched And Did?

There are two separate kicks (not including punts) in football, the scrimmage kick and the on-sides kick. The scrimmage kick is also known as the kickoff. A Kickoff occurs at the start of each half, after a team scores a touchdown or after a team scores a field goal. If the ball is kicked by Team A towards to opponents goal, Team B, the receiving team is given the opportunity to catch the ball. The receiving team must be given the opportunity to catch the ball. If the ball goes out of bounds in the field of play on the kickoff, it is a foul. The receiving team gains possession of the ball at the spot where the ball goes out of bounds. If the ball goes out of bounds in the end zone or hits the uprights, it is considered a touch back. The receiving team gets the ball at the 25 yard line. If Team A opts for an On-Sides kick, the ball must travel a minimum of 10 yards. If the ball travels more than 10 yards, it is considered a live ball, and any team may recover. If the ball goes out of bounds, the Receiving team retains possession at the spot where the ball goes out of bounds.

On a kickoff must the receiving team wait for the ball to go 10 yds before they advance foreward over their scrimmage line?

A team gets four downs to move the ball 10 yards. If unsuccessful, a team usually kicks on fourth down, either by punting to the opponent or attempting a field goal. A team may attempt to achieve the needed yardage on fourth down, but if unsuccessful, the ball is awarded to the opposing team at the spot where the play ended. In Canadian football, teams have only three downs to move the ball 10 yards.

What does yards mean in football?

Yards are a unit of measurement on a football field. A field has 100 yards. The end zone has 10 yards. Yards tell how far the ball has moved.

How do you find net yards per kickoff?

Take the total yards from where the ball was kicked to where it was caught and then subtract the amount of yards gained on the return.For example:Kickoff from the 30 yard line, ball received at opposite 10 yard line = 60 yardsBall returned to the 25 yard line: 60-15 = 45 net yards

What is the difference when you kick off the football and recover it on an onside kick just after 10 yards or if you wait for 20 or 40 yards to get it?

10 yards is the shortest kick you can make to be considered kicking to the opposing team. Once kicked ten yards one of your own players can recover the kick. If you kicked it 20 or 30 yards you could still recover the ball but the chances of your team mates beating the opposing team to the ball would diminish greatly. A 30 yard kick would petty much kick the ball into the arms of the opposing teams front line.

When you are receiving a kickoff do you have to touch the ball in order for it to be a live ball?

Once the ball has gone 10 yards after being kicked during a kickoff, the ball is indeed live! During a punt, however, someone on the receiving team must touch the football for it to be live. The ball is always live during a kick. The only thing in question is who can recover, and when. On free kicks (including kickoffs and free kicks following a safety), the receiving team can recover the ball at any time, and the kicking team can recover either after it has traveled 10 yards or after the receiving team touches it after any distance. On scrimmage kicks (field goals and punts), the kicking team gives up possession of the ball unless (1) the ball fails to cross the line of scrimmage, (2) the kicking team then recovers the ball, and (3) the down played was not 4th down. In any other situation, the receiving team takes the ball. Once the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, the only way the kicking team can retake possession is if the receiving team fumbles, muffs, or touches the ball and the kicking team recovers.