no they cant i myself play volleyball you can only hit the ball once but if someone passes it to you . you could hit it over
A block does not count as one of the three hits (except in Beach) so yes the blocker could be the next legal touch
No the ball for volleyball is much lighter
When the same person hits the ball twice in a row, it is called a double hit.
Yes, each team has three contacts to get the ball back over the net (not counting a block contact). (Individual players cannot contact the ball twice in a row, however.)
Je joue au volley-ball (I play volleyball) (French) Wanna know more? Just go to and click on the translator tab at the top. (the same thing as if yoy typed in
foot ball (ok, so that's just 'foot'... but it's close enough) weekend volley ball (same as football) internet mcdonalds (macdo, but still close)
Volleyball got that name because the term volley is the action of hitting or moving the ball over the net without letting it touch the ground it is the same way in tennis if you smack the ball back over without it touching the ground it is a volley so since in volleyball it is illegal for the ball to touch to ground it is a game of multiple volleys called VOLLEYBALL!
Yes, the ball itself is the same. The playing field would be composed of sand, usually at the beach, rather than asphalt, concrete, or grass.
Yes they are the same, their job is to hand the ball to the quarterback and block defensive linemen.
No, they can only hit it again after another person has touched it.
net has several meanings: net pay is the same as take-home pay after all your deductions, net is used is sport like tennis or volley ball, then there is net like a network of people working for the same company.
a block is used by 1 or 2 girls jumpbing up at the same time the hitter is hitting the ball and putting their hands up to block it so it wont go over the net
If the ball were simply dropped, the person dropping the ball and a stationary observer should see the same thing.