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No, they may also kick it, though they often use hands as it grants them better control

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No once the goalkeeper comes outside the circle at the box he is booked.

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No, besides being able handle the ball in the box the same rules apply to the goalie as the other players.

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Only within their own penalty area.

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Q: Can the goalie use hands only in the penalty area in soccer?
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What Only one player on the field can use their hands inside the penalty area?

The goalie is the only player who can use his hands during play in soccer.

What is the goalie box?

The correct term would be the "goal area" and it is the smaller of the two areas on each end of the soccer field. The larger is called the "penalty area." The goal area is 6 yards deep and 18 yards wide.

What body part are you NOT allowed to use in soccer?

In soccer, you are not allowed to use your hands or arms, except for the goalkeeper within the penalty area. It's all about using your feet, legs, and head to control and pass the ball. Remember, every part of your body is important in soccer, so embrace the challenge and have fun on the field!

What is the penalty for the goalie entering the penalty arc and picking up the ball with his hands?

A direct free kick for the attackers at the location of the infraction. The penalty arc is not part of the penalty area.

When can a goalie touch the soccer ball in a game of soccer?

As long as she's not past the second line she can grab it but if she passes the second line in front of her she has to kick it out their is a big box which is call the penalty area. The keeper can only pick the ball up in this area but not when their own team mates intentionally passes it to them

Who is the player in soccer who can use his or her hands and stays near the net?

Everyone can touch the ball in soccer, but not with their arms or hands. Only the goalie can do that. The goalie can touch the ball with any part of their body. The referee can't touch the ball, or else that would mess up play.

Can a soccer goalie touch the ball in the offensive zone?

No. The goal keeper may only touch the ball with their hands in their own penalty area.

Can a soccer goalie while in his goal area use his hands on a throw in from one of his own players?

If a goal keeper touches the ball with their hands, within their own penalty area, directly from a throw-in by a team-mate then play will be stopped and the restart will be an indirect free kick for the opponents at the location of the touch.

In Gatorball can the goalie play any ball with his hands inside the goalie area?

Yes, as long as they are in the goalie box

If the offense is taking a shot at the goal how many people is allowed in the goalie box?

This depends on how the shot is being taken and what this "goalie box" is. If this is a penalty kick, the only players allowed in the penalty area (the larger of the two rectangular areas or "boxes" that surround the goal) are the goalkeeper, or goalie, and the player taking the kick. If this is not a penalty kick, there is no limit to the number of defenders anywhere near the goal. These players still cannot use their hands though and if someone were to block a shot with their hands, they may be red carded, or removed from the game. I hope this answers your question.

The is the only person that can use their hands in their area to stop the ball?

goalie is the person that can use hands

What happens if you touch the ball but you are goalie?

A goal keeper is allowed to touch the ball with their hands when the ball is inside their own penalty area. If a goal keeper does so outside of the area, then a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team.